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Date of Birth1992-07-23

Game List

2024-07-163313 White Loss 한승주 3479 kr flagView game
2024-07-053313 White Loss Kim Eunji 3351 kr flagView game
2024-06-193313 Black Loss 한승주 3479 kr flagView game
2024-05-263314 White Win 윤준상 3333 kr flagView game
2024-05-263314 Black Loss Heo Youngrak 3353 kr flagView game
2024-05-253314 Black Win Lee Yeon 3299 kr flagView game
2024-04-203315 Black Loss Xu Haohong 3588 tw flagView game
2024-03-303315 White Loss 김명훈 3534 kr flagView game
2024-03-043316 White Loss Kim Seongjae 3241 kr flagView game
2024-02-133317 Black Win 박하민 3396 kr flagView game
2024-01-023318 Black Win 박정환 3679 kr flagView game
2023-12-123318 Black Win 김신영 2922 kr flagView game
2023-07-243317 White Loss 오유진 3254 kr flagView game
2023-07-053317 Black Win Han Woojin 3395 kr flagView game
2023-07-033317 White Win 김형우 3280 kr flagView game
2023-05-293317 Black Loss 리쉬엔하오 3654 cn flagView game
2023-05-173316 Black Loss Xu Haohong 3568 tw flagView game
2023-04-293316 White Win 김진휘 3392 kr flagView game
2023-04-273316 Black Loss 원성진 3511 kr flagView game
2023-04-143316 Black Win Sim Jaeik 3406 kr flagView game
2023-04-023315 Black Loss Seki Kotaro 3315 jp flagView game
2023-03-163315 White Loss 신진서 3866 kr flagView game
2023-03-043315 White Loss 홍성지 3445 kr flagView game
2023-02-223314 Black Win Lin Lixiang 3274 tw flagView game
2023-02-203314 White Loss 진시영 3313 kr flagView game
2023-02-113314 Black Win 최정 3417 kr flagView game
2023-02-023314 Black Loss 김명훈 3547 kr flagView game
2023-01-233314 White Loss 박정환 3686 kr flagView game
2023-01-223314 Black Loss 이원영 3468 kr flagView game
2023-01-133313 Black Loss 조한승 3381 kr flagView game
2023-01-073313 White Win 이창석 3503 kr flagView game
2022-12-303313 White Loss Kim Seongjae 3257 kr flagView game
2022-12-273313 Black Loss 이영구 3431 kr flagView game
2022-12-063313 Black Loss 김지석 3517 kr flagView game
2022-07-053315 White Win Heo Seohyun 3064 kr flagView game
2022-06-233316 Black Loss Moon Minjong 3357 kr flagView game
2022-04-203317 Black Loss 김정현 3411 kr flagView game
2022-04-023318 Black Win Moon Minjong 3356 kr flagView game
2022-03-253318 White Loss Kim Seongjae 3302 kr flagView game
2022-03-173318 White Loss 박영훈 3460 kr flagView game
2022-03-133318 White Loss 박진솔 3418 kr flagView game
2022-03-043319 White Win 이원도 3323 kr flagView game
2022-02-183319 Black Win Song Gyusang 3335 kr flagView game
2022-02-133319 Black Loss 류민형 3325 kr flagView game
2022-02-043320 Black Loss 송지훈 3368 kr flagView game
2022-01-213321 White Loss Park Sangjin 3387 kr flagView game
2022-01-153321 White Loss 한상훈 3341 kr flagView game
2022-01-093321 White Loss 박정환 3695 kr flagView game
2022-01-033322 Black Loss Lee Jihyun (m) 3472 kr flagView game
2021-12-303322 Black Win Cho Wankyu 3240 kr flagView game
2021-12-253323 Black Win 원성진 3516 kr flagView game
2021-12-083324 White Loss 박하민 3430 kr flagView game
2021-12-043324 White Win Song Gyusang 3332 kr flagView game
2021-11-253325 Black Loss 박건호 3471 kr flagView game
2021-11-203325 White Win 송지훈 3363 kr flagView game
2021-10-063327 Black Loss 홍무진 3389 kr flagView game
2021-09-233328 Black Loss 최정 3417 kr flagView game
2021-07-203332 White Loss Kim Changhoon 3340 kr flagView game
2021-07-183333 White Win 박진솔 3415 kr flagView game
2021-01-283344 Black Loss 류민형 3329 kr flagView game
2019-02-153420 Black Loss 강승민 3406 kr flagView game
2018-12-053427 Black Loss 커제 3699 cn flagView game
2018-12-043427 Black Loss 커제 3699 cn flagView game
2018-12-033427 White Win 커제 3699 cn flagView game
2018-11-063430 Black Win 탕웨이싱 3500 cn flagView game
2018-11-053430 White Win 탕웨이싱 3501 cn flagView game
2018-10-163431 White Loss Shibano Toramaru 3448 jp flagView game
2018-10-063431 Black Loss 김명훈 3459 kr flagView game
2018-10-023432 Black Win 롄샤오 3622 cn flagView game
2018-10-013432 White Win 양딩신 3616 cn flagView game
2018-09-293432 White Loss 조한승 3430 kr flagView game
2018-09-203432 White Win 최재영 3353 kr flagView game
2018-09-163432 Black Loss 류민형 3326 kr flagView game
2018-09-053433 Black Win Tong Mengcheng 3542 cn flagView game
2018-09-043433 Black Win Chen Zijian 3412 cn flagView game
2018-09-023433 White Win 백홍석 3407 kr flagView game
2018-08-233433 White Win 박건호 3371 kr flagView game
2018-08-163433 Black Loss 나현 3498 kr flagView game
2018-08-103433 White Win 박진솔 3433 kr flagView game
2018-08-033433 Black Win 조한승 3430 kr flagView game
2018-07-253432 Black Win Lee Jihyun (m) 3482 kr flagView game
2018-07-223432 Black Loss 박정환 3702 kr flagView game
2018-07-193432 White Win Kim Seongjae 3346 kr flagView game
2018-07-123432 Black Loss 박민규 3404 kr flagView game
2018-06-283431 White Win Jeong Seojun 3222 kr flagView game
2018-06-243431 Black Win 허영호 3374 kr flagView game
2018-06-193430 White Win Shibano Toramaru 3438 jp flagView game
2018-06-183430 Black Loss 설현준 3396 kr flagView game
2018-06-163430 White Win Gan Siyang 3294 cn flagView game
2018-06-133430 Black Loss Zhang Yingting 3101 cn flagView game
2018-05-143429 Black Loss 류수항 3345 kr flagView game
2018-04-303428 White Loss 이영구 3488 kr flagView game
2018-04-203428 Black Loss 윤준상 3439 kr flagView game
2018-04-033428 Black Win Nakamura Shinya 3032 jp flagView game
2018-03-243428 Black Win 최재영 3352 kr flagView game
2018-03-143428 White Win 박하민 3363 kr flagView game
2018-02-203428 Black Loss 나현 3508 kr flagView game
2018-01-163427 Black Loss 홍성지 3415 kr flagView game
2017-11-083428 Black Loss 탕웨이싱 3529 cn flagView game
2017-11-073428 Black Loss 탕웨이싱 3529 cn flagView game
2017-11-063428 White Win 탕웨이싱 3529 cn flagView game
2017-10-283428 Black Loss Lee Jihyun (m) 3487 kr flagView game
2017-10-203428 White Loss 김지석 3598 kr flagView game
2017-10-123428 White Loss 류수항 3351 kr flagView game
2017-10-083429 White Loss 안성준 3489 kr flagView game
2017-09-293429 Black Loss 한승주 3395 kr flagView game
2017-09-263430 White Win 퉈자시 3578 cn flagView game
2017-09-253430 Black Win 천야오예 3572 cn flagView game
2017-09-153430 Black Win Sim Jaeik 3231 kr flagView game
2017-09-063430 White Win Komatsu Hideki 3085 jp flagView game
2017-09-053430 White Win 천야오예 3571 cn flagView game
2017-09-033430 White Loss 나현 3514 kr flagView game
2017-08-253431 White Win 최재영 3348 kr flagView game
2017-08-183431 White Win 이창석 3339 kr flagView game
2017-08-123430 White Win 김기용 3276 kr flagView game
2017-08-063430 White Loss 강동윤 3488 kr flagView game
2017-07-203430 White Win 안성준 3490 kr flagView game
2017-07-153430 Black Win 한승주 3394 kr flagView game
2017-07-073430 Black Loss 박진솔 3448 kr flagView game
2017-06-193429 Black Loss Guo Yuzheng 3357 cn flagView game
2017-06-103429 White Loss 이세돌 3543 kr flagView game
2017-06-013429 White Loss 나현 3510 kr flagView game
2017-05-203430 Black Loss Kim Seongjae 3356 kr flagView game
2017-05-063430 White Win 김지석 3583 kr flagView game
2017-05-053430 Black Win 김지석 3583 kr flagView game
2017-05-043430 White Loss 김지석 3583 kr flagView game
2017-04-283430 Black Loss 김지석 3583 kr flagView game
2017-04-273430 White Win 김지석 3583 kr flagView game
2017-04-193430 Black Win 신민준 3499 kr flagView game
2017-04-143430 White Win 안조영 3308 kr flagView game
2017-03-303429 Black Win 우광야 3397 cn flagView game
2017-02-203427 White Win 유병용 3228 kr flagView game
2017-02-173427 Black Win 이영구 3497 kr flagView game
2017-02-023425 White Win 설현준 3378 kr flagView game
2016-11-063416 White Loss 커제 3693 cn flagView game
2016-10-213415 Black Win 이태현 3344 kr flagView game
2016-10-163414 Black Loss 류수항 3347 kr flagView game
2016-10-083413 White Loss 류민형 3350 kr flagView game
2016-10-023413 White Win 안조영 3317 kr flagView game
2016-09-243412 White Win 박민규 3389 kr flagView game
2016-09-153411 Black Loss 신진서 3614 kr flagView game
2016-08-253409 White Win 최재영 3340 kr flagView game
2016-08-183408 Black Win 목진석 3394 kr flagView game
2016-08-133408 White Win 이태현 3345 kr flagView game
2016-07-223405 White Loss Lee Jihyun (m) 3487 kr flagView game
2016-07-193404 White Loss 왕하오양 3380 cn flagView game
2016-07-113404 White Win Lee Youngjoo 2966 kr flagView game
2016-07-073403 White Loss 안조영 3317 kr flagView game
2016-06-283402 White Loss Tang Yi 3076 cn flagView game
2016-06-253402 Black Loss 이세돌 3581 kr flagView game
2016-06-173402 White Loss 씨에허 3392 cn flagView game
2016-06-053401 Black Loss 최재영 3336 kr flagView game
2016-05-223401 White Loss 목진석 3402 kr flagView game
2016-04-043402 White Loss 최정 3357 kr flagView game
2015-10-033407 White Loss 양딩신 3506 cn flagView game
2015-10-033407 Black Win 위정치 3370 jp flagView game
2015-10-023407 White Win Lin Lixiang 3213 tw flagView game
2015-09-303407 White Loss 진시영 3388 kr flagView game
2015-09-263407 Black Win 박정상 3356 kr flagView game
2015-09-213407 White Loss 박진솔 3413 kr flagView game
2015-09-183407 Black Loss 김지석 3560 kr flagView game
2015-09-033408 Black Win 박재근 3234 kr flagView game
2015-08-273408 Black Win Lee Jihyun (m) 3470 kr flagView game
2015-08-233408 White Win 김현찬 3329 kr flagView game
2015-08-153408 Black Loss 강유택 3416 kr flagView game
2015-07-233409 Black Win 변상일 3460 kr flagView game
2015-07-213409 Black Loss 최철한 3513 kr flagView game
2015-07-203409 Black Win 박영훈 3536 kr flagView game
2015-07-183409 Black Win 안성준 3458 kr flagView game
2015-07-033408 Black Loss 이호범 3327 kr flagView game
2015-06-263408 Black Win 박정상 3365 kr flagView game
2015-06-203408 Black Win 한태희 3351 kr flagView game
2015-05-313407 Black Loss 신진서 3512 kr flagView game
2015-05-263407 White Loss 리친청 3535 cn flagView game
2015-05-163407 White Loss 주위엔하오 3310 cn flagView game
2015-05-123407 White Win 룽이 3346 cn flagView game
2015-05-083407 White Loss 강유택 3409 kr flagView game
2015-05-033407 Black Loss 나현 3478 kr flagView game
2015-04-233407 White Win 김세동 3360 kr flagView game
2015-04-183407 Black Loss 스웨 3584 cn flagView game
2015-04-163407 Black Win Guo Wenchao 3383 cn flagView game
2014-10-313408 White Loss 신진서 3467 kr flagView game
2014-10-163409 Black Win 김성진 3281 kr flagView game
2014-10-043409 Black Win 이태현 3348 kr flagView game
2014-09-303409 Black Loss 김지석 3580 kr flagView game
2014-09-253409 Black Win 김정현 3432 kr flagView game
2014-09-213409 Black Loss 추쥔 3495 cn flagView game
2014-09-203409 White Loss 추쥔 3495 cn flagView game
2014-09-183409 Black Win 추쥔 3495 cn flagView game
2014-09-163409 White Win 장웨이제 3533 cn flagView game
2014-09-143409 White Loss 한웅규 3326 kr flagView game
2014-08-293408 Black Loss 송상훈 3195 kr flagView game
2014-08-223409 White Win 이호범 3322 kr flagView game
2014-08-083409 White Win 이동훈 3474 kr flagView game
2014-07-303408 White Win 조한승 3429 kr flagView game
2014-07-243408 White Win 왕시 3501 cn flagView game
2014-07-223408 Black Win Li Kang 3322 cn flagView game
2014-07-193408 Black Win 강승민 3315 kr flagView game
2014-07-063407 Black Loss 최철한 3508 kr flagView game
2014-06-193406 White Win 이태현 3346 kr flagView game
2014-06-093405 White Loss Xie Erhao 3456 cn flagView game
2014-05-313404 White Loss 이원영 3386 kr flagView game
2014-05-163403 Black Loss 박영훈 3504 kr flagView game
2014-05-043403 Black Win 최현재 3216 kr flagView game
2014-04-193402 White Win 구리 3526 cn flagView game
2014-04-133402 Black Loss 안조영 3326 kr flagView game
2014-03-183400 White Win 신진서 3437 kr flagView game
2013-12-243394 Black Win 온소진 3280 kr flagView game
2013-12-203394 Black Loss 이세돌 3569 kr flagView game
2013-10-243390 Black Win 박승화 3301 kr flagView game
2013-09-273388 Black Loss 이세돌 3566 kr flagView game
2013-09-213387 White Loss 한태희 3305 kr flagView game
2013-09-173387 White Loss 최철한 3529 kr flagView game
2013-08-293386 Black Loss 나현 3445 kr flagView game
2013-08-243386 Black Win 나현 3445 kr flagView game
2013-08-063385 Black Loss 장타오 3405 cn flagView game
2013-08-053385 White Win 조인선 3258 kr flagView game
2013-07-303385 White Win 이영구 3441 kr flagView game
2013-06-273383 White Loss 이호범 3333 kr flagView game
2013-06-193382 White Loss Kim Seongjae 3393 kr flagView game
2013-06-023382 White Loss 한상훈 3351 kr flagView game
2013-05-093382 Black Win 김형우 3267 kr flagView game
2013-04-273381 Black Win 나현 3433 kr flagView game
2013-04-133381 Black Win 신민준 3353 kr flagView game
2013-02-283378 Black Win 장타오 3405 cn flagView game
2013-02-263378 White Win 룽이 3264 cn flagView game
2013-02-253378 White Win Guo Wenchao 3404 cn flagView game
2013-02-253378 Black Loss 옌환 3361 cn flagView game
2013-02-243378 White Win 리친청 3452 cn flagView game
2013-01-233375 White Loss 장타오 3404 cn flagView game
2013-01-233375 Black Loss Liu Xi (2) 3381 cn flagView game
2013-01-223375 White Win Fu Chong 3291 cn flagView game
2013-01-213375 White Win Guo Yuzheng 3312 cn flagView game
2012-10-093365 Black Loss 구리 3541 cn flagView game
2012-09-223363 White Win 박영롱 3093 kr flagView game
2012-09-203363 Black Win 한태희 3284 kr flagView game
2012-09-063361 Black Win 씨에허 3459 cn flagView game
2012-09-053361 White Win 유창혁 3222 kr flagView game
2012-09-043361 Black Loss 씨에허 3459 cn flagView game
2012-08-263360 White Win 온소진 3263 kr flagView game
2012-08-193359 Black Loss 박정환 3584 kr flagView game
2012-08-113358 Black Win 류수항 3344 kr flagView game
2012-08-033357 White Win 홍기표 3285 kr flagView game
2012-07-263355 Black Loss 백홍석 3466 kr flagView game
2012-07-153354 Black Loss 김지석 3547 kr flagView game
2012-07-073352 White Win 안형준 3293 kr flagView game
2012-06-243350 White Loss 김정현 3371 kr flagView game
2012-06-203350 White Loss Kim Seongjae 3414 kr flagView game
2012-06-023347 White Loss 홍성지 3399 kr flagView game
2012-05-263347 White Loss 박영훈 3466 kr flagView game
2012-05-183346 White Loss 이춘규 3243 kr flagView game
2012-05-063345 Black Loss 민상연 3349 kr flagView game
2012-04-293344 Black Loss 이세돌 3565 kr flagView game
2012-04-243344 White Loss 리쉬엔하오 3428 cn flagView game
2012-04-213344 White Loss 이동훈 3383 kr flagView game
2012-04-183344 White Win 후지사와 리나 3022 jp flagView game
2012-04-123344 Black Win 이정우 3164 kr flagView game
2012-03-143343 White Win 변상일 3358 kr flagView game
2012-03-113342 White Win Wang Lei (b) 3299 cn flagView game
2012-03-083342 Black Loss 박영훈 3468 kr flagView game
2012-03-033342 Black Loss 이원영 3376 kr flagView game
2012-02-023340 Black Win Kim Jinhun 2899 kr flagView game
2012-01-033339 Black Loss 김세동 3337 kr flagView game
2011-12-203339 White Loss 강동윤 3505 kr flagView game
2011-12-173339 White Win 나현 3421 kr flagView game
2011-11-263338 White Loss 박정환 3575 kr flagView game
2011-11-173337 White Loss 강유택 3420 kr flagView game
2011-11-113337 Black Loss 김지석 3515 kr flagView game
2011-11-053337 White Loss 박정환 3572 kr flagView game
2011-10-313337 White Win 이태현 3313 kr flagView game
2011-10-273337 Black Win 문도원 3045 kr flagView game
2011-10-263337 White Win Kim Hyunsub 3087 kr flagView game
2011-10-233337 White Loss 박영훈 3469 kr flagView game
2011-10-183337 White Loss 이동훈 3365 kr flagView game
2011-10-143337 Black Loss 탄샤오 3511 cn flagView game
2011-10-133337 White Win Sakai Hideyuki 3225 jp flagView game
2011-10-123337 Black Win 저우루이양 3490 cn flagView game
2011-10-093337 White Loss 이영구 3457 kr flagView game
2011-09-213336 Black Loss 한웅규 3349 kr flagView game
2011-09-163336 White Win 최홍윤 3188 kr flagView game
2011-09-113336 White Loss 강승민 3243 kr flagView game
2011-08-183336 White Win 온소진 3251 kr flagView game
2011-08-043336 Black Loss Wang Tao 3323 cn flagView game
2011-07-283336 White Loss 박승화 3285 kr flagView game
2011-07-263336 White Win 이영구 3464 kr flagView game
2011-07-153336 White Win 고근태 3267 kr flagView game
2011-07-043336 White Win 진시영 3325 kr flagView game
2011-07-013336 White Win 한태희 3255 kr flagView game
2011-06-173336 Black Loss 이창호 3473 kr flagView game
2011-05-273335 Black Win 한상훈 3317 kr flagView game
2011-05-153334 White Win 온소진 3254 kr flagView game
2011-03-293332 White Loss 강동윤 3503 kr flagView game
2011-01-293329 White Loss 조한승 3480 kr flagView game
2010-09-133324 White Loss 김정현 3319 kr flagView game
2010-09-053324 Black Loss 이창호 3481 kr flagView game
2010-08-123323 White Win 강동윤 3493 kr flagView game
2010-08-033323 Black Loss Guo Wenchao 3345 cn flagView game
2010-07-143323 White Loss 홍민표 3300 kr flagView game
2010-06-243323 Black Loss 이세돌 3592 kr flagView game
2010-06-173323 Black Win 백홍석 3404 kr flagView game
2010-05-253322 Black Loss Kim Seongjae 3329 kr flagView game
2010-05-183322 Black Win 이창호 3487 kr flagView game
2010-04-163321 Black Win 서건우 3100 kr flagView game

Contact: Rémi Coulom.