Kanda Ei

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Date of Birth1961-12-30

Game List

2024-05-132843 Black Loss Chen Boshao 3207 jp flagView game
2023-12-252844 Black Loss Yi Liao 3136 jp flagView game
2022-09-192848 Black Loss 아키야마 지로 3211 jp flagView game
2021-09-132853 Black Loss Mimura Kaori 2805 jp flagView game
2021-09-132853 White Win Nakao Jungo 2703 jp flagView game
2021-03-042857 White Loss 조선진 3157 jp flagView game
2021-01-212859 White Win 왕리청 3183 jp flagView game
2020-11-022858 Black Win 다케미야 마사키 3000 jp flagView game
2020-08-312857 White Loss Nakane Naoyuki 3033 jp flagView game
2020-06-112855 White Loss 이시다 요시오 3009 jp flagView game
2019-12-122854 White Loss 다케미야 마사키 3001 jp flagView game
2019-11-042854 Black Loss Kawada Kohei 2878 jp flagView game
2019-11-042854 Black Win Ko Mosei 2918 jp flagView game
2019-11-032854 Black Loss 스즈키 아유미 3086 jp flagView game
2019-11-032854 White Loss Ogaki Yusaku 3141 jp flagView game
2019-10-072855 Black Win Katsura Atsushi 2821 jp flagView game
2019-10-072855 White Win Takemiya Youkou 2808 jp flagView game
2019-10-072855 Black Win Yanaka Katsunori 2910 jp flagView game
2019-06-132850 White Loss 아오키 기쿠요 2902 jp flagView game
2018-12-062846 Black Loss 조치훈 3165 jp flagView game
2018-11-152845 Black Loss 왕리청 3186 jp flagView game
2018-09-202844 White Loss 이시다 요시오 3002 jp flagView game
2018-08-302844 White Loss 이치리키 료 3504 jp flagView game
2017-11-092843 White Loss Kataoka Satoshi 3107 jp flagView game
2017-06-082843 Black Loss Kataoka Satoshi 3106 jp flagView game
2016-01-072848 Black Loss 오타케 히데오 3029 jp flagView game
2015-04-022853 Black Loss 다케미야 마사키 3110 jp flagView game
2014-11-272856 White Loss 구도 노리오 2909 jp flagView game
2014-07-102861 Black Loss 오타케 히데오 3036 jp flagView game
2014-02-132869 White Loss 구도 노리오 2920 jp flagView game
2013-03-282890 Black Loss 고바야시 사토루 3237 jp flagView game
2013-02-212893 White Win 구도 노리오 2929 jp flagView game
2013-01-102895 Black Loss 류시훈 3215 jp flagView game
2012-06-282905 White Loss 고바야시 사토루 3224 jp flagView game
2012-04-192909 White Win Ishikura Noboru 2709 jp flagView game
2011-08-252921 White Loss 조치훈 3261 jp flagView game
2010-07-012945 Black Loss Kataoka Satoshi 3154 jp flagView game
2010-06-102946 White Loss 후지사와 리나 3001 jp flagView game
2010-04-292950 Black Loss Ohashi Hirofumi 3078 jp flagView game
2010-02-042957 Black Loss 요다 노리모토 3279 jp flagView game
2010-02-042957 Black Win Kiyonari Tetsuya 3120 jp flagView game
2010-01-282957 White Loss Suzuki Shinji 3150 jp flagView game
2009-12-212960 White Win Lee Ishu 3152 jp flagView game
2009-07-022969 White Loss Kataoka Satoshi 3157 jp flagView game
2009-04-022974 Black Win 왕밍완 3222 jp flagView game
2009-03-232975 White Loss 고바야시 사토루 3209 jp flagView game
2009-02-262976 Black Win Ito Masashi 2971 jp flagView game
2008-05-292981 White Loss 이시다 요시오 3079 jp flagView game
2008-05-082982 Black Loss 장쉬 3465 jp flagView game
2008-03-172984 White Loss 하네 나오키 3333 jp flagView game
2008-02-072985 White Win Konagai Masaru 2812 jp flagView game
2008-02-072985 White Win Ishii Kunio 2945 jp flagView game
2007-08-282987 Black Loss Mizokami Tomochika 3239 jp flagView game
2007-05-312989 Black Loss 조치훈 3324 jp flagView game
2007-03-082991 White Win 오타케 히데오 3076 jp flagView game
2007-01-292991 Black Win Nakano Hironari 3149 jp flagView game
2007-01-292991 Black Loss Nakamura Hidehito 2986 jp flagView game
2006-09-242991 White Loss 야마시타 케이고 3364 jp flagView game
2006-07-202991 White Loss 구도 노리오 3049 jp flagView game
2006-07-162991 White Win Mannami Kana 2886 jp flagView game
2005-10-202991 White Loss 왕밍완 3212 jp flagView game
2005-03-012993 Black Loss Kamimura Haruo 3044 jp flagView game
2005-01-242994 Black Win Obuchi Morito 2937 jp flagView game
2001-12-253006 White Loss 하네 나오키 3302 jp flagView game
2001-02-193010 Black Loss Nakamura Hidehito 2971 jp flagView game
2001-01-223011 Black Win Yo Kagen 3054 jp flagView game
2001-01-223011 White Win Hashimoto Yujiro 3051 jp flagView game
2000-01-253010 White Loss Yokota Shigeaki 3101 jp flagView game
1999-08-193011 Black Loss 린하이펑 3239 jp flagView game
1999-02-083014 White Loss Kurahashi Masayuki 3140 jp flagView game
1998-02-033024 White Win Moriyama Naoki 3094 jp flagView game
1998-02-033024 White Loss Komatsu Hideki 3203 jp flagView game
1998-01-123024 Black Win Onda Yasuhiko 2877 jp flagView game
1996-12-093026 White Loss Yo Kagen 3149 jp flagView game
1996-05-313028 Black Loss 조치훈 3363 jp flagView game
1996-01-253031 White Loss 유키 사토시 3231 jp flagView game
1995-02-163040 White Loss Honda Kunihisa 3228 jp flagView game
1994-03-073052 Black Win 요다 노리모토 3320 jp flagView game
1994-03-073052 White Loss Tokimoto Hajime 3098 jp flagView game
1994-02-033052 Black Loss 왕리청 3319 jp flagView game
1993-03-013062 White Loss Kataoka Satoshi 3281 jp flagView game
1993-02-153062 White Win Kiyonari Tetsuya 3160 jp flagView game
1993-02-013062 White Win Kosugi Kiyoshi 2923 jp flagView game
1993-01-183062 Black Win Miyazawa Goro 3134 jp flagView game
1992-12-143061 Black Win Moriyama Naoki 3126 jp flagView game
1992-08-133057 White Loss 요다 노리모토 3312 jp flagView game
1992-06-043054 Black Loss Miyazawa Goro 3147 jp flagView game
1992-01-203051 White Loss Kosugi Kiyoshi 2938 jp flagView game
1992-01-073051 Black Win Tokimoto Hajime 3089 jp flagView game
1991-12-163051 White Win Honma Akio 2890 jp flagView game
1991-07-073046 Black Loss 이시다 요시오 3255 jp flagView game
1991-02-163044 White Loss Tei Meiko 3005 jp flagView game
1990-12-013044 White Win 조선진 3184 jp flagView game
1990-11-123043 White Loss 마이클 레드먼드 3100 jp flagView game
1990-08-233042 White Loss Kubo Katsuaki 2957 jp flagView game
1990-06-253042 Black Win Arimura Hiroshi 3120 jp flagView game
1990-05-313042 Black Loss 요다 노리모토 3274 jp flagView game
1990-04-283042 White Win Hiroe Hiroyuki 2996 jp flagView game
1989-11-233039 Black Loss Hane Yasumasa 3258 jp flagView game
1989-07-293037 White Win 린하이펑 3350 jp flagView game
1988-07-213022 Black Loss 서능욱 3086 kr flagView game
1987-07-183012 Black Loss Aoki Shinichi 3058 jp flagView game
1987-04-163011 Black Loss Hashimoto Shoji 3228 jp flagView game
1986-07-093010 Black Loss 요다 노리모토 3249 jp flagView game
1986-05-223011 Black Loss 린하이펑 3317 jp flagView game
1984-07-013019 Black Loss 요다 노리모토 3183 jp flagView game
1983-12-113023 White Loss Sugiuchi Masao 3211 jp flagView game
1983-10-163025 White Win 후지사와 히데유키 3181 jp flagView game
1983-07-243026 Black Win Fujisawa Hosai 2984 jp flagView game
1982-07-253022 White Loss 고바야시 사토루 3212 jp flagView game
1982-07-113022 Black Win Hashimoto Yujiro 3054 jp flagView game
1982-07-013022 White Loss Shao Zhenzhong 3146 cn flagView game
1982-06-293022 Black Loss Shao Zhenzhong 3146 cn flagView game
1982-05-313022 Black Loss Imamura Toshiya 3166 jp flagView game
1980-06-083033 White Loss Kori Toshio 2879 jp flagView game
1980-05-183034 White Win Ishida Akira 3182 jp flagView game
1980-03-043035 Black Win 마샤오춘 3205 cn flagView game
1980-01-233035 White Loss Kobayashi Kenji 3077 jp flagView game
1979-05-213035 White Loss Ishibashi Chinami 3074 jp flagView game
1979-05-143036 Black Win Komatsu Fujio 3017 jp flagView game
1979-02-023036 Black Win Koyama Hideo 2812 jp flagView game

Contact: Rémi Coulom.