Nakane Naoyuki

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Date of Birth1972-11-19

Game List

2024-12-233105 White Win Fujita Reo 2813 jp flagView game
2024-12-193105 White Loss Takashima Yugo 3076 jp flagView game
2024-11-143105 Black Win Bian Wenkai 3009 jp flagView game
2024-11-043105 Black Win 최명훈 3234 kr flagView game
2024-11-013105 Black Loss Yun Hyunseok 3020 kr flagView game
2024-10-303105 Black Win Lee Sanghun (b) 3013 kr flagView game
2024-10-253105 Black Win 이지현 2774 kr flagView game
2024-10-243105 White Win 조혜연 3118 kr flagView game
2024-09-303104 Black Win Ogata Masaki 3106 jp flagView game
2024-09-273104 White Loss 조혜연 3117 kr flagView game
2024-09-253104 Black Win 권효진 3045 kr flagView game
2024-08-223102 White Loss 데라야마 레이 3192 jp flagView game
2024-04-153097 Black Loss Yanagisawa Satoshi 3008 jp flagView game
2024-02-153096 Black Win 김채영 3240 kr flagView game
2023-12-093094 Black Loss 유창혁 3295 kr flagView game
2023-12-083094 White Win 유창혁 3295 kr flagView game
2023-12-073094 White Win 김동엽 2820 kr flagView game
2023-11-143092 Black Loss 최규병 3032 kr flagView game
2023-11-133092 White Win 김수장 2944 kr flagView game
2023-10-133090 White Win 김동엽 2821 kr flagView game
2023-10-123090 Black Win 박승문 2950 kr flagView game
2023-09-223089 Black Loss 요다 노리모토 3248 jp flagView game
2023-09-193089 Black Win 권효진 3033 kr flagView game
2023-09-113088 White Loss Nakaonoda Tomomi 3134 jp flagView game
2023-09-073088 Black Win 김종수 2977 kr flagView game
2023-07-203084 White Win Ikawa Ryougo 2975 jp flagView game
2023-04-133076 Black Loss 유키 사토시 3252 jp flagView game
2023-01-193070 Black Win Tamura Chiaki 2583 jp flagView game
2022-09-193061 White Loss Shuto Shun 3114 jp flagView game
2021-09-133039 White Loss Mimura Kaori 2805 jp flagView game
2021-06-033035 Black Loss Nakamura Sumire 3080 jp flagView game
2021-03-113034 White Loss Kubo Katsuaki 2996 jp flagView game
2020-11-013034 Black Win Kurotaki Masanori 2866 jp flagView game
2020-11-013034 Black Loss Mizokami Tomochika 3233 jp flagView game
2020-10-313034 White Loss 아키야마 지로 3216 jp flagView game
2020-10-313034 Black Win Okuda Aya 2974 jp flagView game
2020-08-313033 White Win Mitsunaga Junzo 2863 jp flagView game
2020-08-313033 Black Win Kanda Ei 2863 jp flagView game
2020-08-313033 Black Win Yo Kagen 3048 jp flagView game
2020-06-253030 Black Loss 왕리청 3187 jp flagView game
2020-01-163025 Black Loss 시다 다쓰야 3276 jp flagView game
2019-10-173023 White Loss Mimura Tomoyasu 3190 jp flagView game
2019-09-263022 Black Loss 이다 아쓰시 3347 jp flagView game
2019-09-233022 Black Win Tajima Shingo 2887 jp flagView game
2019-07-183021 White Loss 류시훈 3192 jp flagView game
2019-05-233020 Black Win 야마다 기미오 3160 jp flagView game
2018-12-133014 Black Loss Mutsuura Yuta 3270 jp flagView game
2018-11-133013 Black Loss Komatsu Hideki 3078 jp flagView game
2018-11-133013 Black Win Yamada Wakio 2805 jp flagView game
2018-10-253012 White Loss 이다 아쓰시 3331 jp flagView game
2018-01-113006 White Loss 히코사카 나오토 3132 jp flagView game
2017-10-263006 Black Loss 히코사카 나오토 3134 jp flagView game
2017-06-223006 White Loss Nakano Yasuhiro 3125 jp flagView game
2016-12-153009 Black Loss Imamura Toshiya 3201 jp flagView game
2016-03-243015 White Loss 류시훈 3208 jp flagView game
2016-02-183016 White Win Mizokami Tomochika 3162 jp flagView game
2015-06-043017 White Loss 이치리키 료 3385 jp flagView game
2015-03-193018 White Win 왕리청 3178 jp flagView game
2014-10-023015 White Win 야마다 기미오 3166 jp flagView game
2014-09-253015 Black Loss 고바야시 사토루 3245 jp flagView game
2014-06-293012 White Loss Yokota Shigeaki 3026 jp flagView game
2014-05-293012 White Loss Matsumoto Takehisa 3215 jp flagView game
2014-05-223012 Black Loss Kataoka Satoshi 3170 jp flagView game
2014-03-063012 White Win Takei Takashi 3013 jp flagView game
2013-10-033010 Black Loss 이치리키 료 3342 jp flagView game
2013-09-263010 Black Loss Sakai Hideyuki 3205 jp flagView game
2013-06-063009 Black Loss Seto Taiki 3239 jp flagView game
2013-03-073010 White Loss 야마시타 케이고 3369 jp flagView game
2013-02-073010 White Win Lee Ishu 3126 jp flagView game
2013-01-173010 White Loss 야마시타 케이고 3368 jp flagView game
2012-11-263009 White Loss 가나자와 마코토 3167 jp flagView game
2012-07-263009 Black Win 야마다 기미오 3222 jp flagView game
2012-06-103008 Black Loss 히코사카 나오토 3160 jp flagView game
2011-10-273005 White Loss Rin Shien 3214 jp flagView game
2011-09-293004 White Loss Uchida Shuhei 3133 jp flagView game
2011-08-183004 Black Win 오타케 히데오 3055 jp flagView game
2011-03-033002 White Loss 아키야마 지로 3249 jp flagView game
2011-02-033001 White Win 야마다 기미오 3250 jp flagView game
2011-01-063000 White Loss Tei Meiko 2779 jp flagView game
2010-11-293000 Black Win 판산치 3127 jp flagView game
2010-11-293000 White Win Chin Kaei 2935 jp flagView game
2009-12-172983 White Loss 조선진 3217 jp flagView game
2009-11-052982 White Loss 린하이펑 3058 jp flagView game
2009-10-122981 White Loss Lee Ishu 3158 jp flagView game
2009-04-272978 White Win 다케미야 마사키 3175 jp flagView game
2009-04-272978 Black Loss Nakaonoda Tomomi 3118 jp flagView game
2009-04-162977 Black Loss 김수준 3248 jp flagView game
2009-02-122976 Black Win 오타케 히데오 3078 jp flagView game
2009-01-222974 White Loss 야마다 기미오 3263 jp flagView game
2008-11-062971 Black Loss 요다 노리모토 3295 jp flagView game
2008-10-302971 White Loss Kanazawa Hideo 3082 jp flagView game
2008-05-262966 White Loss Ogata Masaki 3160 jp flagView game
2007-11-122962 White Loss Yamada Takuji 3079 jp flagView game
2007-08-072961 Black Loss 류시훈 3215 jp flagView game
2007-01-112961 White Loss Yokota Shigeaki 3120 jp flagView game
2006-10-122961 Black Loss Sakai Hideyuki 3251 jp flagView game
2006-05-182963 Black Loss 왕리청 3221 jp flagView game
2005-11-012967 Black Loss Hiroe Hiroyuki 2971 jp flagView game
2005-10-042968 Black Win Mochizuki Kenichi 3123 jp flagView game
2005-10-042968 Black Win Konagai Masaru 2799 jp flagView game
2004-10-112969 White Loss Takano Hideki 3121 jp flagView game
2004-08-022970 White Loss 조혜연 3228 kr flagView game
2004-03-112973 White Loss Suzuki Yoshimichi 3025 jp flagView game
2003-10-132978 Black Loss So Yokoku 3208 jp flagView game
2002-11-182992 Black Loss Goto Shungo 3035 jp flagView game
2002-10-152994 White Win 아오키 기쿠요 2970 jp flagView game
2002-10-152994 Black Win Ogaki Yusaku 3009 jp flagView game
2002-09-172995 Black Win 김수준 3252 jp flagView game
2002-09-172995 White Win 아키야마 지로 3231 jp flagView game
2002-07-292993 White Loss Cao Dayuan 3155 cn flagView game
2000-01-132973 Black Loss Nakano Yasuhiro 3044 jp flagView game
1992-01-162952 White Loss Hane Yasumasa 3212 jp flagView game
1990-04-222951 Black Loss 샤오웨이강 3185 cn flagView game

Contact: Rémi Coulom.