Ikemoto Ryota

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Date of Birth2001-08-11

Game List

2024-07-012889 White Loss Takao Shinji 3296 jp flagView game
2024-02-152889 White Loss Tanaka Yuki 3044 jp flagView game
2023-08-142892 Black Win Kibe Natsuki 2756 jp flagView game
2023-08-072892 White Loss Hirata Tomoya 3316 jp flagView game
2023-07-032892 Black Loss Yoda Norimoto 3250 jp flagView game
2023-06-262892 White Win Miura Taro 3227 jp flagView game
2023-03-092890 White Win Cho Kosumi 2755 jp flagView game
2023-02-072889 Black Loss Tanaka Koyu 3168 jp flagView game
2023-01-302888 Black Loss Mimura Tomoyasu 3184 jp flagView game
2023-01-122888 White Loss Takao Shinji 3310 jp flagView game
2022-11-032887 White Loss Mukai Chiaki 3021 jp flagView game
2022-04-042885 Black Loss Sakai Kentaro 2864 jp flagView game
2021-09-092887 Black Win Chotoku Tetsushi 2982 jp flagView game
2021-09-092887 White Loss Kazama Jun 2969 jp flagView game
2021-04-052888 White Loss Hirose Yuichi 3288 jp flagView game
2021-02-252888 Black Loss Hikosaka Naoto 3099 jp flagView game

Contact: Rémi Coulom.