Ilya Shikshin

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Date of Birth1990-05-07

Game List

2022-03-222977 Black Loss Li Weiqing 3613 cn flagView game
2020-07-292977 White Loss Yu Zhengqi 3438 jp flagView game
2019-10-112978 White Loss Baek Hyeonwoo 3316 kr flagView game
2019-10-102978 Black Win Yi Lingtao 3450 cn flagView game
2019-06-122975 White Loss Song Ronghui 3085 cn flagView game
2019-05-142975 White Loss Ida Atsushi 3344 jp flagView game
2019-04-282975 White Win Andrii Kravets 2854 ua flagView game
2019-04-272975 White Loss Mateusz Surma 2926 pl flagView game
2019-04-262975 Black Win Lukas Podpera 2824 cz flagView game
2018-09-212973 White Loss Shin Jinseo 3733 kr flagView game
2018-06-132972 White Win Li Le 3129 cn flagView game
2018-04-292971 White Win Pavol Lisy 2889 sk flagView game
2018-04-282971 White Win Andrii Kravets 2855 ua flagView game
2018-04-272971 White Win Ali Jabarin 2887 il flagView game
2017-12-142962 Black Loss Chen Shiyuan 3268 tw flagView game
2017-12-142962 Black Loss Park Junghwan 3708 kr flagView game
2017-12-132962 White Loss Ke Jie 3681 cn flagView game
2017-12-122962 Black Win Jiang Mingjiu 2829 us flagView game
2017-12-112962 White Loss Park Junghwan 3707 kr flagView game
2017-11-182960 Black Win Alexander Dinerchtein 2867 ru flagView game
2017-10-312958 White Win Watanabe Yuu 2915 jp flagView game
2017-10-302958 White Loss Taniguchi Toru 3064 jp flagView game
2017-06-192947 Black Loss He Yang 3264 cn flagView game
2017-06-162947 Black Loss Qiao Ran 3266 cn flagView game
2017-06-132946 Black Loss Jiao Shiwei 3222 cn flagView game
2017-06-122946 White Loss Gong Yanyu 3233 cn flagView game
2017-06-112946 Black Win Shi Yulai 3166 cn flagView game
2017-06-092946 Black Loss Zhao Zhongxuan 3199 cn flagView game
2017-05-012942 White Loss Pavol Lisy 2885 sk flagView game
2017-04-302942 Black Loss Alexander Dinerchtein 2876 ru flagView game
2017-04-292942 Black Win Tanguy Le Calve 2795 fr flagView game
2017-02-102938 Black Loss Mateusz Surma 2916 pl flagView game
2016-07-312929 White Win Ali Jabarin 2913 il flagView game
2016-07-302929 Black Win Mateusz Surma 2910 pl flagView game
2016-07-262929 White Loss Mateusz Surma 2910 pl flagView game
2016-05-012924 Black Loss Dusan Mitic 2908 rs flagView game
2016-04-302924 Black Loss Alexander Dinerchtein 2870 ru flagView game
2016-04-292924 Black Loss Artem Kachanovskyi 2904 ua flagView game
2016-03-262924 White Loss Kim Jiseok 3576 kr flagView game
2016-03-012924 Black Loss Kim Jiseok 3575 kr flagView game
2016-02-292924 White Loss Eric Lui 2839 us flagView game
2016-02-282924 White Loss Lin Shixun 3162 tw flagView game
2016-02-272924 Black Loss Shibano Toramaru 3346 jp flagView game
2016-02-262924 White Loss Shi Yue 3583 cn flagView game
2016-02-142924 White Win Ali Jabarin 2918 il flagView game
2016-02-142924 Black Loss Mateusz Surma 2909 pl flagView game
2016-02-132924 Black Win Alexander Dinerchtein 2866 ru flagView game
2016-02-132924 White Loss Fan Hui 3036 fr flagView game
2015-08-022930 White Win Thomas Debarre 2775 fr flagView game
2015-08-012930 Black Loss Ali Jabarin 2920 il flagView game
2015-07-312930 White Win Alexander Dinerchtein 2865 ru flagView game
2015-07-072930 Black Loss Park Junghwan 3653 kr flagView game
2015-04-062932 White Win Mateusz Surma 2914 pl flagView game
2015-04-052932 Black Win Cristian Pop 2800 ro flagView game
2015-04-042932 Black Win Andrii Kravets 2848 ua flagView game
2014-12-152930 Black Loss Kang Dongyun 3526 kr flagView game
2014-12-142930 White Loss Seto Taiki 3252 jp flagView game
2014-12-132930 White Loss Ko Daehyuk 2847 us flagView game
2014-12-122930 Black Loss Zhang Zhehao 3028 tw flagView game
2014-12-112930 White Loss Tuo Jiaxi 3558 cn flagView game
2013-12-162939 White Win Wang Yuanjun 3270 tw flagView game
2013-12-152939 Black Loss Zhou Ruiyang 3550 cn flagView game
2013-12-142939 White Loss Kim Jiseok 3586 kr flagView game
2013-12-132939 Black Win Ko Daehyuk 2846 us flagView game
2013-12-122939 Black Loss Hirata Tomoya 3162 jp flagView game
2013-09-042937 Black Loss Choi Hyunjae 3215 kr flagView game
2013-09-032937 Black Win Csaba Mero 2610 hu flagView game
2013-09-032937 White Win Emura Kikou 2823 jp flagView game
2013-09-022937 White Loss Hu Yuqing 3197 cn flagView game
2008-08-232909 Black Loss Xie He 3464 cn flagView game
2007-07-222903 White Loss Alexander Dinerchtein 3059 ru flagView game
2006-08-262901 Black Loss Yang Shihai 3134 cn flagView game
2006-03-182902 White Loss Alexander Dinerchtein 3075 ru flagView game

Contact: Rémi Coulom.