Kumaki Teruya

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Date of Birth2005-07-31

Game List

2024-07-312919 Black Loss Ueno Risa 3115 jp flagView game
2024-07-312919 Black Win Tanaka Yuki 3047 jp flagView game
2024-07-312919 Black Win Nakane Daiki 2736 jp flagView game
2024-04-282917 White Loss Otake Yu 3232 jp flagView game
2024-02-292916 Black Win Okuma Yuto 2822 jp flagView game
2024-01-312915 White Win Ando Hinata 2700 jp flagView game
2023-12-222913 Black Loss Lin Xinwei 3075 tw flagView game
2023-11-162912 White Loss Omote Yuto 3130 jp flagView game
2023-11-082912 White Loss Hara Masakazu 3045 jp flagView game
2023-08-232911 Black Loss Nishi Takenobu 3148 jp flagView game
2023-06-212911 Black Loss Ha Youngil 3131 jp flagView game
2023-05-112911 Black Win Yokota Shigeaki 2926 jp flagView game
2023-04-262911 White Win Kubo Katsuaki 2950 jp flagView game
2023-04-042910 Black Win Goto Ichi 2852 jp flagView game
2023-04-042910 Black Loss Takeshita Ryoya 3084 jp flagView game
2023-04-042910 White Win Cho Kosumi 2754 jp flagView game
2022-12-212905 White Loss Sonoda Yuichi 3017 jp flagView game
2022-12-132905 Black Loss Lin Shixun 3245 tw flagView game
2022-12-072905 Black Loss 유키 사토시 3264 jp flagView game
2022-11-022904 White Loss Yahata Naoki 2886 jp flagView game
2022-09-212903 White Loss Tanaka Koyu 3163 jp flagView game
2022-08-172903 White Loss Fujii Shuya 3116 jp flagView game
2022-04-052903 Black Loss Konishi Yoshiakira 3108 jp flagView game
2022-04-052903 White Win Suzukawa Natsumi 2639 jp flagView game
2022-04-052903 White Loss Xiao Yuyang 3173 jp flagView game

Contact: Rémi Coulom.