Sekiyama Toshio

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Date of Birth1937-07-20

Game List

1991-11-143017 White Win Koyama Yasuo 2769 jp flagView game
1991-11-053016 Black Win Koyama Yasuo 2769 jp flagView game
1989-03-093004 White Loss Ishikura Noboru 2995 jp flagView game
1987-10-153005 White Loss Miyazawa Goro 3218 jp flagView game
1987-01-293008 White Loss 가토 마사오 3385 jp flagView game
1986-11-273009 Black Win Kosugi Kiyoshi 2967 jp flagView game
1986-04-243009 Black Loss 야마시로 히로시 3260 jp flagView game
1985-12-013009 White Loss 고바야시 고이치 3401 jp flagView game
1985-06-203011 White Loss Ohira Shuzo 3128 jp flagView game
1985-05-123012 White Win Tanimiya Teiji 2883 jp flagView game
1985-04-113012 White Loss 고바야시 사토루 3235 jp flagView game
1985-03-283012 White Win Kataoka Satoshi 3195 jp flagView game
1985-02-073012 Black Win 히코사카 나오토 3098 jp flagView game
1984-11-293009 Black Win Kori Toshio 2887 jp flagView game
1984-02-232998 Black Win Takagawa Kaku 2995 jp flagView game
1983-12-222994 White Loss 조치훈 3364 jp flagView game
1983-08-312988 White Loss Oyama Kunio 3056 jp flagView game
1983-05-012983 White Loss Miyazawa Goro 3189 jp flagView game
1983-02-132980 White Loss 조치훈 3371 jp flagView game
1981-12-032966 White Loss 왕리청 3209 jp flagView game
1981-10-282965 Black Loss Sato Sunao 3061 jp flagView game
1981-10-072965 White Win Sato Sunao 3061 jp flagView game
1981-09-232964 Black Loss Sato Sunao 3061 jp flagView game
1981-07-052962 Black Loss Tsuchida Masamitsu 3023 jp flagView game
1980-10-232961 White Loss 구도 노리오 3165 jp flagView game
1980-10-162961 Black Loss 조치훈 3379 jp flagView game
1980-08-072961 White Loss 사카타 에이오 3263 jp flagView game
1980-07-032961 Black Win Fukui Masaaki 3077 jp flagView game
1980-03-062960 Black Loss Kataoka Satoshi 3213 jp flagView game
1978-03-302955 Black Loss 후지사와 히데유키 3263 jp flagView game
1976-02-172955 White Loss Kubouchi Shuchi 3107 jp flagView game
1975-06-252957 Black Loss Hashimoto Shoji 3254 jp flagView game
1972-09-242973 White Loss Fujisawa Hosai 3180 jp flagView game
1972-04-132976 White Loss 가토 마사오 3202 jp flagView game
1972-01-162979 White Loss 오타케 히데오 3299 jp flagView game
1971-11-072981 Black Win Fujisawa Hosai 3183 jp flagView game
1971-06-102982 Black Loss Takagawa Kaku 3213 jp flagView game
1971-05-062982 White Loss Hane Yasumasa 3106 jp flagView game
1971-04-082983 White Win Sugiuchi Masao 3075 jp flagView game
1970-12-242983 Black Win Shimamura Toshihiro 3180 jp flagView game
1967-05-292956 White Loss 오청원 3183 jp flagView game
1966-10-032952 White Loss 오타케 히데오 3219 jp flagView game
1965-05-202947 Black Loss Kajiwara Takeo 3123 jp flagView game
1962-11-082946 White Loss Takagawa Kaku 3152 jp flagView game

Contact: Rémi Coulom.