Cristian Pop

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Date of Birth-

Game List

2018-05-042788 Black Loss Kim Sangcheon 3277 kr flagView game
2016-06-052789 White Loss Andrii Kravets 2855 ua flagView game
2016-04-282790 Black Loss Dusan Mitic 2908 rs flagView game
2015-04-062800 White Loss Ali Jabarin 2920 il flagView game
2015-04-052800 White Loss Ilya Shikshin 2933 ru flagView game
2015-04-042800 Black Win Pavol Lisy 2869 sk flagView game
2015-04-032800 Black Win Fredrik Blomback 2828 se flagView game
2011-12-102812 White Loss 야마시로 히로시 3181 jp flagView game
2011-12-092812 Black Loss 구리 3519 cn flagView game
2008-08-232831 Black Loss Imamura Toshiya 3197 jp flagView game
2008-03-152834 White Loss 원성진 3451 kr flagView game

Contact: Rémi Coulom.