Oda Teppei

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Date of Birth1987-01-21

Game List

2021-12-062748 Black Loss 하네 나오키 3282 jp flagView game
2021-04-052748 White Loss 히코사카 나오토 3099 jp flagView game
2017-01-262757 White Loss 히코사카 나오토 3133 jp flagView game
2013-03-112770 Black Loss Hong Seokui 3175 jp flagView game
2010-09-302782 White Loss Hirata Tomoya 3091 jp flagView game
2009-11-052788 White Loss Cho Chien 2873 jp flagView game
2009-02-092796 White Loss 가나자와 마코토 3053 jp flagView game
2009-01-262796 White Loss Ando Kazushige 2994 jp flagView game
2009-01-122797 Black Loss Komatsu Hideki 3163 jp flagView game
2008-11-242799 Black Loss Tajiri Yuto 2966 jp flagView game
2008-11-132800 Black Loss Mukai Chiaki 2972 jp flagView game
2008-10-132802 White Loss So Yokoku 3213 jp flagView game
2008-09-082805 Black Win Osawa Kenro 2733 jp flagView game
2008-07-142808 White Loss Mizokami Tomochika 3255 jp flagView game
2008-06-302809 Black Loss 왕밍완 3230 jp flagView game
2008-06-022810 Black Loss 야마시로 히로시 3205 jp flagView game
2008-04-282813 Black Loss Mimura Tomoyasu 3177 jp flagView game
2008-02-112818 White Loss Tamai Shin 3015 jp flagView game
2008-01-282819 Black Win 가나자와 마코토 3016 jp flagView game
2008-01-142820 White Loss 류시훈 3229 jp flagView game
2007-12-172822 White Loss Lee Ishu 3137 jp flagView game
2007-12-032822 White Win Matsumoto Takehisa 3133 jp flagView game
2007-10-252824 Black Win Tanemura Sayuri 2659 jp flagView game

Contact: Rémi Coulom.