Takahashi Hideo

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Date of Birth1971-04-13

Game List

2024-11-032587 Black Loss Shuto Shun 3094 jp flagView game
2024-11-032587 White Loss Ogaki Yusaku 3157 jp flagView game
2024-11-022587 White Loss Suzuki Shinji 3243 jp flagView game
2024-11-022587 White Loss Shimojima Yohei 3045 jp flagView game
2023-03-272590 Black Loss Hoshiai Shiho 2956 jp flagView game
2019-03-282605 White Loss 요다 노리모토 3257 jp flagView game
2014-02-062627 White Loss Kataoka Satoshi 3169 jp flagView game
2013-10-282628 White Loss Sun Zhe 3216 jp flagView game
2012-09-062634 White Loss Tsuneishi Takashi 3095 jp flagView game
2012-06-282635 White Loss Ohashi Hirofumi 3086 jp flagView game
2011-09-262640 White Loss Ohashi Naruya 2980 jp flagView game
2005-11-032695 Black Loss 린하이펑 3139 jp flagView game
2000-03-012756 White Win Honda Goro 2929 jp flagView game
2000-01-062756 White Loss Hane Yasumasa 3150 jp flagView game
1999-02-102756 Black Loss 판산치 3071 jp flagView game
1996-03-202763 White Loss Mizokami Tomochika 3183 jp flagView game
1995-03-292766 Black Loss Mizokami Tomochika 3181 jp flagView game
1993-06-032775 White Loss 다케미야 마사키 3252 jp flagView game
1992-02-122782 Black Loss Kono Takashi 2969 jp flagView game

Contact: Rémi Coulom.