Cornel Burzo

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Date of Birth1980-05-03

Game List

2024-05-222769 Black Loss Ozeki Minoru 3191 jp flagView game
2024-05-192769 White Loss Bai Baoxiang 3228 cn flagView game
2018-04-292780 Black Loss Mateusz Surma 2915 pl flagView game
2018-04-282780 White Loss Artem Kachanovskyi 2914 ua flagView game
2018-04-272780 White Loss Pavol Lisy 2890 sk flagView game
2018-04-262780 White Win Tanguy Le Calve 2781 fr flagView game
2017-06-052788 Black Loss Bai Baoxiang 3216 cn flagView game
2015-06-102809 Black Loss Lai Junfu 3144 tw flagView game
2015-06-092809 White Loss Hu Aohua 3134 cn flagView game
2013-09-022834 White Win Pavol Lisy 2859 sk flagView game
2013-09-022834 White Loss Emura Kikou 2823 jp flagView game
2012-05-142851 Black Win Pavol Lisy 2852 sk flagView game

Contact: Rémi Coulom.