Chen Zhixuan

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Date of Birth1997-12-09

Game List

2023-09-262928 White Loss Xu Haohong 3591 tw flagView game
2023-09-252928 Black Loss Yang Dingxin 3659 cn flagView game
2023-09-242928 White Loss Shin Jinseo 3864 kr flagView game
2016-06-082932 Black Win Benjamin Lockhart 2864 us flagView game
2016-06-082932 White Loss Hiraoka Satoshi 2980 jp flagView game
2016-06-052932 White Loss Andrii Kravets 2855 ua flagView game
2015-12-172936 White Loss Shi Yue 3586 cn flagView game
2015-12-162936 Black Win Guo Yiming 2722 au flagView game
2015-06-102939 White Loss Kim Changhoon 3319 kr flagView game
2015-06-092939 White Win Hiraoka Satoshi 2980 jp flagView game
2012-05-162938 White Loss Chen Zhengxun 3265 cn flagView game
2012-05-142938 White Loss Qiao Zhijian 3309 cn flagView game

Contact: Rémi Coulom.